Holiday Stress Person Hands Face

How to manage holiday stress

December 11, 20243 min read

How to Manage Holiday Stress

stressed person

From gifts to parties and family gatherings to baking, the holiday season can be a whirlwind of excitement, however the unsightly grip of stress can get to us in what's supposed to be our time to relax and unwind.

If that speaks to you more than you hoped... do not worry, you're not alone, while social media may show everyone with big smiles and fancy decorations, this is people putting their best foot forward, as the year draws to an end, there are many people fighting the same invisible enemy.

Instead of letting it get the best of you, we want to share some tips for managing seasonal stress with real-world examples you can use to improve your well-being before 2024 comes to an end.

If You’re Feeling Lonely…

Reach out to friends. Not everyone’s holiday season is filled with big gatherings, especially those who may live in a different city than their loved ones. Check out local community events or set up video calls with relatives to feel closer to them this season.

If You’re Exhausted…

Schedule time for your health. The holidays can be a time of go, go, go, when we really need rest, rest, rest. Do your best to get adequate sleep, maintain your exercise schedule, and limit frequent alcoholic drinks.

If You Need a Break from Your Family…

Pick your battles and know when to walk away. Let’s face it—family dinners often come with lots of opinions. If you’re tired of hearing a political discussion for the umpteenth time, suggest a new dinner topic. If your mental health needs a break, excuse yourself to take a breather.

If Things Aren’t Going as Expected…

Look for the good in things. The idea of a picture-perfect family gathering can set us up for failure, as reality is rarely as perfect as our dreams. By focusing on the positives, you can appreciate what you have, even if it’s different from how you imagined it.

If You Feel Like You Can’t Get It All Done…

Take a moment to center yourself. The holiday season can pull us in a million different directions. When you feel overwhelmed, stop pushing through and start slowing down. Create lists for tasks you still need to complete, and never hesitate to ask for help from family and friends.

If Your Finances Are Getting Tight…

Set a budget before it spins out of control. With all the advertisements for the latest holiday gifts, it can be easy to overspend. If you have many people to buy gifts for, consider drawing names with friends for a “Secret Santa” or “White Elephant” exchange. This way, you only need to buy one gift instead of several, cutting costs without sacrificing fun!

Stay Strong
If you made it this far, I know you might be thinking 'if only it was so easy'... remember that times are tough, and that you're not alone. Try your best to be forgiving of yourself, and put in your best effort for your family and friends. Not only will they notice and appreciate it, you'll appreciate yourself for doing so.

From all of us here at VIP health, we hope you have a wonderful holiday season and look forward to welcoming you back on the 13th of January

VIP Health Team

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